Monday, October 27, 2008

San Diego Weekend Visit

After weeks of looking for granite and tile and all the other things that go into getting the new kitchen ready we were Finally able to take a weekend off to go and see the kids in S.D. We left Saturday morning and stayed overnight with them. I really was having Jake withdrawals so it was great to finally get down there.
One of the first things we did was go out to lunch at Islands. Here are a few pictures from the restaurant .

"All right, food!! My favorite. What are we ordering Mom? "

"I'm so excited!! Maybe a big hamburger would taste good right now!"

"Ah, Waiter? I think you forgot to take my order. Don't listen to those two, I don't think I want "baby food" today. Can't you see how big I am already?"

Back home after lunch, sitting in his high chair eating (mashing) a teeth biscuit.

Gee, another picture that involves food. Why am I not surprised!! Jake loves his food. Here is the whole family eating a banana. Guinness is hoping for some too!!

Happy Jake with his daddy.
Steve and Lisa cooking dinner. They fixed a roast and made BBQ sandwiches with it. I heard they were wonderful. They also made corn and sweet potato fries. I know those were wonderful. I really enjoyed the sweet potatoes. That is going on the "to be cooked in the new kitchen" list. They were so easy to cook but so goooood!! I finished those up!!

Looks pretty professional doesn't it!!

Sunday morning bright and early and happy. Still in his cute little sleeper.

Jake and Steve.
All in all a quick trip but a great one. It is so good to see them. It has been two months since we were down there last so Jake had changed a lot. He is interacting with everyone so much more. He is sitting up by himself and "talking" a lot too. He is just so kissable! He is growing into his cheeks now but they are still the best things in the world to kiss!!

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