Sunday, August 24, 2008

More News to Check Out!!

"Just" Married!!
Cory and David
May 20, 2008

I just checked Cory's blog for the first time in months and this was on it!!

Congrats Cory & David. We are wishing you years and years of Happiness and Love!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Check it out!!

Check out the wonderful and exciting news on Darcy's Blog!

Congrats to the whole family, as in the Whole Family!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Jessy's Summer Visit 2008

Back before Jared's wedding and my trip to New Hampshire and right after Shannen's visit, Jessy came to stay with us for her summer vacation. The day after her last day of 7th grade she flew down for 17 days.

In many ways this was a different visit than her normal summer vacation visit. First off she didn't get to spend quite as much time as she normally does. At the end of the vacation she went down to her Aunt's home and met up with Brianna there. That did limit our time some.

The biggest change was the fact that there was no Taco Bell!!! Now everyone that knows Jessy knows how much she loves Taco Bell. There have been a couple of times we have made a point of having it for all three meals! I know, I know how could I let her do that? Well, it is vacation..... Now you must be asking yourselves what would keep us away from Taco Bell?

Sadly Jessy will not be eating there any longer. A couple of months before her visit she was told she has Celiac Disease!!! She had been feeling bad for several months and they couldn't figure out what was going on so they finally did a endoscopy and found out that she had Celiac.

Celiac disease is a digestive disease that damages the small intestine and interferes with absorption of nutrients from food. People who have celiac disease cannot tolerate a protein called gluten, found in wheat, rye, and barley.

That means she won't be able to eat regular bread, flour tortillas, cake and lots of other things either. As it runs in families Darcy and Kody were tested also. Darcy has found out that she has it also!!

So as long as Jessy was here I decided that I would go Gluten Free also so it was a very interesting 17 days trying to figure out what we could eat! I was very impressed with how Jessy handled this large life change. She took charge of figuring out what she could eat and what was bad and taught me a lot!! She always looked at what she could eat and didn't get all hung up with what she couldn't eat. Good job, Jessy!!

(Now as a side note, I have continued the Gluten Free eating since she left and I couldn't be happier with how I feel!!! First time in years that I don't have constant pain. Joy, oh Joy!! )

It was a very busy 17 days too!! Here is just the highlights of what we did.

One of the first things she did when she got in was to call Sara and find out what she was up to. She had met Sara last year at a birding picnic and they hit it off great. Sara didn't get out of school until the last couple of days before Jessy left but they spent lots of time together after school and on weekends. Here is the picture from the evening at the local Middle School's Band Concert. Sara was playing her clarinet and we went over to watch. Now I never thought I would end up back at Middle School again!! It must be going on 20 years since I had been there and we ended up there twice on this visit!! Once for the Band Concert and then again for Sara's graduation!!

Here is a picture of one of the jigsaw puzzles that they did while talking and eating, playing on their DS's and watching movies. Can't just do one thing when you can do several all at once!!

The first Friday Paul, Jessy and I went down to Universal Studios for the day. It was fun. The local schools weren't out yet so like our visit to Disneyland with Shannen it wasn't crowded. The only line we had to stand in was the Simpson's ride and that was just because it takes so long to get everyone through that. Here is Gramps and Jessy.

Mattie and her "little" girl.

We only got over to the Botanic Gardens twice this trip. We HAD to take a picture at the "Picture Tree". I try and take a picture here every time we walk the nature walk at the garden. One of these days I want to go thorough all the old snapshots and scan them in and post them all. That should be interesting.

Like the new hat and sunglasses?

I know, I know I shouldn't let her climb the trees but....

Me looking tired but happy after one of the hikes!!

Sara and her dad went with us on one of our hikes. Dave and I did some birding and the girls did what ever teenagers do.

Lizard catching in the backyard.

Showing off the blue belly.

I don't remember how many trips to the beach we had. I know it wasn't enough for Jessy!! These pictures aren't in any order and are from all the trips. Sara went with us several times.

Rocky Point.

Buried chest deep in the sand.

It was cold this morning!!

I mean really cold!!

Too cold to go in the water but fine to look from sand crabs.

We went down to see Steve, Liza, Jake and Guinness for a few days. I hate to even post these pictures as they are so out of date already!!! I need to get down there and get new pictures and give my little boy a kiss!!!

Jake and Cousin Jessy

The two little doggies hanging out together.

On the way home we stopped by Quail Botanical Gardens. I will try and get some of the pictures up on the gardening blog. Both of us really enjoy this garden. They had lots of things going on in the kids garden area with lots of toddlers playing in the dirt and with bubbles and doing arts and crafts. It looks like they have quite a kids program going on there during the summer. I can't wait to able to take Jake down there when he gets a little older!! It is about 30 minutes north of them, unless there is San Diego traffic and it could be 2 hours north of them!!

Sitting by the frog pond which is one of our favorite places there. The other area that I LOVE is the bamboo gardens. It seems so peaceful there and I love the sound the bamboo makes in the wind. I would love a whole bamboo forest in my backyard but that won't be happening.

On her last day here we drove down to Scott's sister's ranch. Laura has a working ranch with a dozen or so horses. They do programs for special needs kids there. Wish I could remember the name of the ranch but it has left the mind. Brianna, Jessy's sister flew down and met her there. Now Brianna rides horses at her home and even has a horse that she takes care of but Jessy had never been on a horse and wasn't too sure if she wanted to! Here she is standing just close enough so I could get the picture but not too close to that very large animal!! I was a little worried about her when I left but I shouldn't have been! It sounds like she had the time of her life there. She took to the horseback riding like she had been born on one. (I was there when she was born and no there was no horse anywhere!!) She was even starting to jump by the end of the week!

The is the view from the house. I'm not sure how much land they have there but it seemed like a lot. The only draw back was the fact it was the hottest week in the summer so far. It was 100 or more all week.

All in all it was a fun 17 days with Jessy. Very busy, very fun.

I'm looking forward to next year and the year after and the year after ......