Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A quick but great visit from Alaska

This past Wednesday we had a fun and almost surprise visit from the Alaska Cranes!! We had heard a few weeks ago that they were coming down to Pebble Beach area for a big family reunion but we didn't think they would be able to make it all the way down here. We knew their time was very limited. They did and we are very, very happy that they could!!

Paul Jr. and Julia

Julia, Paul and the first child, Noey

Number two child, Spencer.
I brought out the old Lego's and some toys for the kids to play with. Those Lego's have seen a lot of little kids!! Some of them are at least 30 years old if not older. Hard to believe!

Spencer having fun with the camera.

Number three child, Lila
She had a little stuffed bird and wanted to climb the tree and put it up in it. The tree isn't quite old enough to climb in but that didn't stop her.

Lila looking as cute as a button.

Number four child, Audrey.
She was a little shy so I couldn't get a picture of her alone. Here she is with Lila. They went around the yard and collected all the little animals I have out there and lined them up.

Spencer found the Wii and started playing it. Here Lila is pretending to play along with her big brother. They have a Wii at their house for the long, long winters up in Alaska!!

Noey looking all grown up. She was explaining to Lila how the fountain worked.


The mad family picture!! I should have done this one as soon as they got here but didn't think about it until just before they were heading out the door. At that point after several hours, tired kids and ice cream and strawberries it was hard to get everyone sitting and looking!! I still think they are a pretty good looking family!

We were so glad that they were able to make the long trip down to Southern California to visit. We hope next time it works out that we can spend a lot more time with them.

It was great to see you Alaska Cranes, We love you!!