Thursday, January 03, 2008

Xmas 2007 - Part One - December 15, 2007

Our first Xmas celebration started on the 15th with the Californian clan. We had Jim, Steve & Lisa and Dad up for a turkey (and Tofurky) dinner and presents. As you can see from the invitation I had thought about going over to the Gardens on Sunday but that didn't happen. Maybe next year. Here are a few pictures of the great time we had.
Our little Xmas tree. I didn't know what to do about a tree this year. The one we have been using is way too big now so we can't bring that one in. This is one we used several years ago and I thought it was too big also but it turned out just the right size. I didn't put many decorations on it as that way I didn't have much to take off!!! It added to the "feeling" of the day. (Here it is January 4th and it is still sitting there waiting to go back outside!!)

The first part of the day we sat outside and watched the dogs run and play. Sitting outside in short sleeves for Xmas how great is that!! Here is Steve and Lisa and Guinness with Mr. B watching and waiting for Guinness to get down.

The two grandsons Jim and Steve and Grandpa.

Beardsley catching his breath while playing with his buddy, Guinness.

Guinness chewing on a stick. If you click on the picture and look at his mouth you can see that he still has two sets of teeth. A lot of his baby teeth didn't come out so the week after this picture they had to take him into the vet to have them pulled out. There is some issue with the adult teeth coming in correctly so he might need braces!! Okay, they really aren't' braces and that isn't the first option but he might have to have something done with his teeth! I just love saying that the dog will need braces!! Ah the joy of "parenthood"!!

Here he is looking handsome!

After dinner that I didn't get any pictures of, we opened presents. Here Gramps is opening his.

Lisa opened the gift for Baby Anderson, a onesy that looks like he is going to jail. I really didn't think of that until she opened it and that was the first thing everyone said. I bought it because it says the World's Cutest Baby Boy. I'm quite sure he will be too!!

Jim was a happy camper, he got socks!!!

Paul reading his instructions for the log splitter he received.

Here his using his new log splitter!! We still have all the logs from the Ash Tree that have to be split so we can burn them. This should help make it a little easier to do that.

That was our first Xmas. In a couple of days I will post the pictures from Utah.
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a great New Year. I know we did!!