Saturday, January 02, 2010

Jake's Cochlear Implant Surgery

This post is sooooo late! I am going to get it up before I head back down to San Diego tomorrow for the next step of Jake's magical mystery ride.
On December 29Th I drove down to San Diego so I could babysit the dogs while Jake had his Cochlear Implant surgery. Because Guinness has just gone through surgery just a couple days before to get a seed out of his intestines he wasn't feeling very well.
Jake was so happy the day before we wished we didn't have to put him though all this but know it is for the best. Bailey looks content doesn't she.

Mattie & Jake


Poor Guinness with his halo on. Paul wanted to know if Jake was going to have to wear a halo also!!

'I'm trying to be brave!" He was very good for just having major surgery. I would have complained a lot more!!

Wednesday morning started early with Jake and parents getting to the hospital at 6 am. Jake couldn't have anything to eat before the surgery but it wasn't quite as bad and they were thinking it would be. He went back for the surgery at 7:30ish and was in all day. I think he got out of surgery around 3 p.m.
Here he is right after he got home that evening. It was a out patient surgery believe it or not!

Still kind of "out of it" . Getting his pj's on.

Sleeping with a worried daddy.

Thursday morning he woke up with a smile on his face! I guess it didn't last all day but it was great to see.

Happy little boy playing with his toy food that he loves!

Staying pretty close to mom and dad in the morning.
Well, this is all old news to everyone but I thought I would share the pictures anyway.
In two days he goes in for his Activation. That should be very exciting. If you wonder what it will be like do a search on Youtube under cochlear implant activation. There you will see several and how the kids react when they first "hear" something.
I will try and post more about that Soon.

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