Thursday, March 05, 2009

Jake's First Birthday!

Jake has turned one year old already!!! How fast this year has gone. On February 16th, one day before his "real" birthday we had his birthday party at our home. It was a festive, fun party full of BBQ, and cake and ice cream. We had a full house with his three sets of grandparents, his Aunt Janet, Uncle Jim and friends.

Jake using Daddy as a pull up station. He is getting real good at getting around now. Wasn't quite walking but crawling everywhere and getting into lots of great stuff. Ah, what a fun life!!

Yup, you build them up and I will knock them down!! Fun times. (Mr. B in the back staying safely on the couch!! He likes to watch Jake but isn't too sure about him!!)

No blog about Jake would be complete with out a food picture!! Here he is just waiting for more! Isn't he just so cute you could eat him up??

Lisa found a cake company in Newbury Park on the Internet. What did we do before Google? The cake was great looking and I heard great tasting.

What party is complete without Balloons?

Guinness checking out the seating arrangements before the party. Was he wondering were the most food would be dropped?

The beautiful punch bowl. Lisa thought of everything.

Steve and Lisa ordered the food from one of their favorite local restaurants, Bandits. There was quite a spread of BBQ and salads.

Jake holding court over the dinner.

Jake "walking" over to mommy.

Chelsea with baby Zane. He slept most of the party. So little, so cute.

Oh boy, presents! Opening Jim's present. He didn't get very far with the opening part of it but he loved all the attention he was getting.

"I don't know what is going on but I have one my personal servants doing the work. That is who those two people that live with me are aren't they?"

"What do you think mom? Is it me?"

"Oh yes, Life Is Good!!"

Blocks to build with and to eat.

The cake and candles.
Make a wish and blow them out.
Our wish to you Jake is years and years of happiness and love.

Cake all gone!! Where is more?

The weather was Rain, Rain, Rain. It must have rained more that day then any other day this year. The birds were everywhere, filling all the feeders. That is until the Cooper's Hawk flew through in the late afternoon looking for lunch. After that we didn't see a bird for a long time.
All in all it was a magical day. Good food, good company and a wonderful reason to get together!!
Happy Birthday, Jake
Many, Many more!! We love you!!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

happy birthday Jake!