Saturday, July 15, 2006

Beardsley's first trip to the Conejo Botanic Garden

We took our little baby boy out for his first offical hike Friday morning! We went out to the Gardens here in town and he had a great time. He didn't get to see much as he had his nose down on the ground sniffing everything! There were so many new smells he was on overload! We have been taking him on evening walks over and around the church across the street from us but this was a much longer hike. We didn't walk around the hill on the nature trail but did get all the way up to the top of the hill with him. He did very well for his first hike. I will say that when we were going down he did stop several times to rest up. Of course neither Paul or I complained about that as we both had taken our fast walks before we left for the gardens as we were getting tired too!!

When we got home Beardsley was full of stickers and burrs and dirt!! I love the haircut of the Schnauzers but for hiking I don't know if it will be easiest to take care of!! Of course he always has his beard in everything from his food, water and all the dirt outside. He was so tired when we got home that he just let me lay him on his back and brush him out. He didn't even move while I was doing it! That was one tired dog.
As long as I'm writing about the dog I might as well tell you all about how is doing and what he is doing and what we are doing! Don't I sound just like a new mommy?
We couldn't have asked for a better dog for us! Schnauzers are apt to bark a far amount but I don't think Beardsley even knows how to bark. Okay, that is saying a bit much as he has barked a few times, only one or two barks per though. He went out chasing a cat in the backyard this morning and he got out half a bark on that! Remember what I didn't like about dogs? The fact that they are always following you around. Well, that is Beardsley to a tee. This dog can't have me out of his sight for more than two seconds. I just came in from filling hummingbird feeders and he was in and out with me on every trip! He has this look that Paul calls the "cow eye". He just looks at us and stares. It reminds me of one of Darcy's dogs completely. When Socha did it it would drive me nuts and guess what now I have one too!! Oh well, he is so much fun it makes up for it.
He is still sleeping all night long with not a whimper at all. We put him in is crate at night and then get him out in the morning and he is quite content. Not to say he wouldn't like sleeping with us but with how badly I sleep anyway that isn't going to happen. He will go into his crate if I'm working around and not sitting still. I think he just feels save in there and he gets out of the way.
Other than that everything is going great with him. So far, so great.
One of the things we were worrying about was him with the birds in the yard. Guess I don't have to worry about that much. He will chase the doves some but the other birds he doesn't pay any attention to most of the time. Jay-Jay and Mrs can come down and get peanuts from the table while he is sitting there! How perfect a dog for us is that!!!! So far so good.
Well that's all for now. I will do a blog on Jim's trip tomorrow morning. He sent some pictures the other day so will add those.

1 comment:

Spike said...

Thanks for the update! He sounds like a great dog. Crate training is definately the way to go.

Can't wait to see the update from Jim's trip - post it already! :)