Thursday, August 01, 2019

Jessy and Fox at neighborhood park in Mesa July 2019
I went out to Arizona in July, I know, who goes to Arizona in July? I went to see my family that weren't able to come out to my birthday party.  Jessy couldn't come as Fox was sick and Darcy couldn't come as Zeus had hurt his foot and she had to watch him.  I don't normally go out in the summer as you might know it is HOT out there from May to October and yes it was hot but so worth it to see the family.  Only got a picture of the baby and his mommy.  It is much easier to take picture of him as Fox loves getting his picture taken and the rest of the family not so much. 
Fox is getting big and active and has opinions of what should be happening and when it should be happening.  They change so much at that age and so fun to watch their personalities develop.  It isn't always fun for Mommy or Grammie but it is fun for the rest of us to watch! 
He is running around everywhere and he LOVES swimming.  That is the first thing he wants to do in the morning.  He loves going to play with his friends at day care too. 
The picture was taken around 7 pm and it was only 105 degrees!  Too hot for me to stay out very long.  At least at that point it was a dry heat, right now they are getting their monsoons and it Not a dry heat at all.  Glad I missed that! 

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