Saturday, April 25, 2009

Visit with Jake and his family

A couple of weeks ago I went down and spent the weekend with Steve & Lisa in San Diego. I went alone and left Paul and Mr. B home so I could spend more time playing with Jake! When B is with me I need to split my time between the two of them so this time I wanted be able to just play with my grandson. I hadn't seen him since his birthday almost two months before so I was having gramma withdrawals!!

Jake looking just soooo cute!!

He had fallen down the day before so he was sporting a nice scab on his face. Makes him look like a big kid! A big active kid.

Clowning for the camera!

They have set up this great little play area in the family room. He loves to go in and shut and open the door and play with his toys. I would build up the blocks he would knock them down.

The day before I got there Steve and Lisa went up to Hesperia and picked up a new family member, Bailey, a cream Pomeranian puppy. She is cute, sweet and lovable. She seems very smart too. She was using the doggy door the next day. Fast learner.

Jake was just starting to walk when I was there. He would take about 7 steps before he would fall down and crawl. Lisa wrote that he started really walking the next week. Here he is proving he can walk and hold a toy at the same time!! Cute look I think. I had bought a toy for the dogs that was almost the same as this teether toy of Jake's. It is a fine line between dog toys and kids toys. A line that keeps getting crossed!!

Here is the princess, Bailey

and the Prince of the house, Guinness. He was very good with Bailey those first few days she was home. I haven't heard how they have been getting along together since but I'm sure he is acting like a good big brother. There is his new toy with the teether hands!

Jake has his own book shelve with his books in it that he likes to pull out and place on the floor. He does like to sit there and "read" them also. Here is one of his favorites, The Hungry Catapiller. He has two or three that he really likes to look at.

Waking up from his nap. Happy little boy.

Drinking his milk and loving up on Mommy.

Okay, maybe this isn't the best picture of the two of them but Jake's look makes me think of his daddy!! It is just a Steve look to me!! Click on the picture to enlarge and see if you agree.

Here is a little better one of the two of them. You have to know it is morning so Steve has that I just got out of bed look!! At least Jake is happy it is morning! Wonder how long that will last.
It was a wonderful visit and I miss them so much!!

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