Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Kody's 6th Birthday

On the 3rd of March I headed up to Utah for Kody's 6th birthday. Here are a few of the pictures from that trip. Well, just Kody's pictures, I'll save the others for later.
One of the first things we had to do was get Kody's hair cut. Darcy said I couldn't take any pictures of him until he got his hair cut. I didn't see anything wrong with it but then that's why I'm not his mom!!

He seemed to enjoy every minute of it. He was watching her and talking away. He made sure she put gel in it when she was done. "It is better that way!"

Darcy, Kody and I headed out to the Children's Museum in downtown Salt Lake City.

They have lots of fun things for the kids to play with and on.

Kody loved the horse.

And the helicopter. Which was outside on the roof. It looks sunny there but I'll tell you it was Not!! I was cold the whole trip!!

After the museum we headed across the street to the Imax theater
to see Under The Sea 3D. That was fun!! The fish looked they were right beside you. Don't they look cute in their 3D glasses??

"Birthday Cake" making. Kody wanted Brownies again this year. He loves Brownies!! As you can see they are Gluten Free Brownies so everyone could eat them. They are pretty good too!!

Kody's new obsession is Monkey Bars. Here he is at his school showing us how well he can do them. We were on our way up to have his birthday dinner.

And here is the Family at the birthday dinner. The gave him a dessert but of course he couldn't eat it. It was fun anyway!! Think he ate the ice cream off it. I thought I had a picture of the dessert (large!) but can't find it so guess not.

When we got back to the house he was thinking about having his brownies and walked right by his new bike, twice!! He had one thing on his mind and everything else be "darned"! Here he is after he finally figured out what we wanted him to see!! He was a happy camper then! Still wanted the Brownies though!

Here he is opening his new video game. See the happy face??

Opening up his underwear...... where did the happy face go???????

Oh, there it is!!! Brownies and wishes!!!

The next day he had his kids birthday party at a Jump Zone play room. Here is the best picture I could get of all the kids together. It was like taking pictures of bees buzzing around! They never stayed still!!
One of the presents he got from Grandpa and I was a trip to Southern California. More on that in the next blog!!

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