I love my couple of mugs of beer a month but maybe this would be a bit too much!! It wouldn't be Gluten Free either which would be a problem!
The London Beer Flood occurred on this day in 1814. At 6:00 on a Monday evening, a torrent of beer came rushing through the streets of the St. Giles district of London.
It started at the Horse Shoe Brewery at Tottenham Court and Oxford Street, where there were huge vats of porter perched on top of the roof. They contained beer, which had been fermenting right there for months. The wooden vats were enormous — some as tall as 22 feet — and were structurally supported by large iron hoops, dozens of them. They sat on the roof of the Meux Brewing Company, each of them containing hundreds of thousands of liters of beer.
The largest vat had started to strain under the weight and pressure of all that porter, and on this day, around 6:00 p.m., one of the iron hoops gave way and all the porter in the 22-foot-tall vat came gushing out. There were about 600,000 liters of beer in there, and when the vat burst and all that beer came exploding out, there was a chain reaction and the surrounding vats on the roof also burst. More than a million liters of beer toppled the brewery's brick wall (it was 25 feet tall) and began flooding the streets of St. Giles.
People came out onto the streets of St. Giles with mugs and buckets and pots and pans to collect the free beer; others leaned over and drank directly from the streams gushing down the streets. But many people were injured by the torrent and sent to the hospital, where inpatients smelled the beer and nearly rioted to get their share.
Nine people died. About half were children who drowned or sustained fatal injuries from the flood, which had also crushed the roofs of buildings near the brewery, adding heavy timber to the gushing rivers of beer. One man died a few days after the flood from alcohol poisoning. Trying to prevent all of it from going to waste, he had drunk a lot of beer in the span of a few days. People brought a lawsuit against the Meux & Company Brewery, but in court the flood was ruled an Act of God, and the brewery was not held legally responsible.
In 1919 there was a molasses flood in Boston, Massachusetts, after a massive tank of molasses crumpled and burst. The molasses flood destroyed houses and trains and killed 21 people.
A Husband, A Wife, a Wonderful little Doggy, some cute little finches, Seven Kids, Eleven Grandkids (and counting) and all the In-Laws!! That makes a bunch of News to report!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Tammy & Jim's Wedding
On Saturday, October 3, 2009 Tammy and my oldest son, Jim got married in our backyard.
It was a perfect day with perfect weather and wonderful family and friends to share in their joy.
It has been a busy two months getting everything ready for the day but it was all worth it once everything started.
I didn't get many pictures during the day so you will have to make do with the few I have until we get the photos back from the photographer. Once they come back I promise I will post some better pictures of everything that happened that day. For now just a peak.

My two wonderful sons, Steve and Jim waiting for the bride to walk in.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Visit with Jake and his family
I am so far behind in posting any pictures that I don't know if I will catch up!! What I am going to do is post the latest and then try to work back to June as I can.
I just went down to Steve & Lisa's last weekend for a few days. It had been since the end of April since I had been down there so I was really missing my little boy. They have been up since but it had been busy with lots a people around when they were up and I didn't get to spend a lot of time with them.
Yep, the great escape!! Right though the doggy door.
Hasn't she grown? She is going to be taller and bigger than Guinness. She will be beautiful when her adult coat comes in. Okay, she is already. I didn't get a good picture of Guinness this time.

They signed Jake up for Gymboree classes where they do games, songs and working on climbing and jumping equipment.
Showing winning Laker form.
He really liked getting on this little trampoline with another kid. He was interacting with the other kids more than he had before. I think he is getting comfortable with the set up and seems to really like it.
As everyone knows they are still in the process of getting Jake's hearing checked out. The first test they had done couldn't tell much other than there must be some hearing loss. It is hard to say how much yet. They are waiting for the insurance and doctor's office to set up more intensive testing. They have a speech therapist and an infant educator come to their home once a week. They play with toys with him and keep an eye on his development. Other than his hearing and speech he seems to be pretty much on track as far as I can tell. They will just have to wait for more testing to see just where he is and what can or should be done. Hard to wait!
Giggles with Daddy chasing him.
Hi, Mattie!!
They signed Jake up for Gymboree classes where they do games, songs and working on climbing and jumping equipment.
"Gymboree Play & Learn Classes. Encourages development through play and learning designed to support your child's growth at his own individual pace. From sensory stimulation to problem-solving games and storytelling, our classes use play-based activities to stretch the body and mind."
During the summer they can take him to as many classes and free play as they want so he was going several times a week. Sunday I met them at a class in the morning and then on Monday we took him over to free play. These are the pictures from free play. He got there and walked in and started playing and didn't stop for the hour. He was tired after that!
All in all a great visit and a much needed Jake fix for me!! Thank you Steve and Lisa for a great visit!
Oh, Lisa even made me some great gluten free chocolate chip cookies! She played around with a normal recipe and worked it out on her own. They were great the first day and even better the second which is unheard of with Gluten free!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Poem: Cautionary Tales
Cautionary Tales
Beyond the field of grazing, gazing cows
the great bull has a pasture to himself,
monumental, black flanks barely twitching
from the swarming flies. Only a few strands of
wire separate us--how could I forget
my childhood terror, the grownups warning
that the old bull near my uncle’s farm
would love to chase me, stomp me, gore me
if I ever got too close. And so I
skirted acres just to keep my distance,
peeking through the leaves to see if he still
was watching me, waiting for some foolish move--
those fierce red eyes, the thunder in the ground--
or maybe that was simply nightmares. It’s
getting hard to tell, as years themselves keep
gaining ground relentlessly, their hot breath
on my back, and not a fence in sight.
by Mark Vinz
Beyond the field of grazing, gazing cows
the great bull has a pasture to himself,
monumental, black flanks barely twitching
from the swarming flies. Only a few strands of
wire separate us--how could I forget
my childhood terror, the grownups warning
that the old bull near my uncle’s farm
would love to chase me, stomp me, gore me
if I ever got too close. And so I
skirted acres just to keep my distance,
peeking through the leaves to see if he still
was watching me, waiting for some foolish move--
those fierce red eyes, the thunder in the ground--
or maybe that was simply nightmares. It’s
getting hard to tell, as years themselves keep
gaining ground relentlessly, their hot breath
on my back, and not a fence in sight.
by Mark Vinz
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A quick but great visit from Alaska
This past Wednesday we had a fun and almost surprise visit from the Alaska Cranes!! We had heard a few weeks ago that they were coming down to Pebble Beach area for a big family reunion but we didn't think they would be able to make it all the way down here. We knew their time was very limited. They did and we are very, very happy that they could!!

Paul Jr. and Julia

I brought out the old Lego's and some toys for the kids to play with. Those Lego's have seen a lot of little kids!! Some of them are at least 30 years old if not older. Hard to believe!

She had a little stuffed bird and wanted to climb the tree and put it up in it. The tree isn't quite old enough to climb in but that didn't stop her.

She was a little shy so I couldn't get a picture of her alone. Here she is with Lila. They went around the yard and collected all the little animals I have out there and lined them up.

We were so glad that they were able to make the long trip down to Southern California to visit. We hope next time it works out that we can spend a lot more time with them.
It was great to see you Alaska Cranes, We love you!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
News from Jim about Tammy
This just came in from Jim:
"Just want to pass along the news that Tammy was accepted to CSU Northridge and will start this fall.
She had to appeal for late admission as she left her job after the deadline for applications had passed, but still got in.
She was accepted to study Urban Planning with a concentration in Environmental Analysis. "
Good job, Tammy and Good Luck with all that studying!!
"Just want to pass along the news that Tammy was accepted to CSU Northridge and will start this fall.
She had to appeal for late admission as she left her job after the deadline for applications had passed, but still got in.
She was accepted to study Urban Planning with a concentration in Environmental Analysis. "
Good job, Tammy and Good Luck with all that studying!!
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Happy 90th Birthday Pete!!
It's the birthday of folk singer Pete Seeger, born in New York City (1919). The first time he heard the sound of a banjo at the Folk Song and Dance Festival in Asheville, North Carolina, he fell in love with folk music. He dropped out of Harvard and rode the rails across America in the middle of the Great Depression, picking up folk songs and learning banjo techniques from farmers, workers, and mountaineers. He wrote:
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the flowers gone?
Girls have picked them every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Visit with Jake and his family
A couple of weeks ago I went down and spent the weekend with Steve & Lisa in San Diego. I went alone and left Paul and Mr. B home so I could spend more time playing with Jake! When B is with me I need to split my time between the two of them so this time I wanted be able to just play with my grandson. I hadn't seen him since his birthday almost two months before so I was having gramma withdrawals!!
Jake looking just soooo cute!!
He had fallen down the day before so he was sporting a nice scab on his face. Makes him look like a big kid! A big active kid.
They have set up this great little play area in the family room. He loves to go in and shut and open the door and play with his toys. I would build up the blocks he would knock them down.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
In California
For the plane trip home we decided on Delta Airlines. It was a little more money than Southwest (plus they charge to check luggage!!) but it is nonstop. I thought it would be worth the extra money not to have to get off and one and extra time. The other thing with Delta is that they have assigned seats so you don't have to worry about getting the seat you want.
For the first part of the trip Kody played with his new toy that Mom had put into his backpack.
Kody had a great time in the surf. I know if he had had someone to go in with he would have gone swimming too. I didn't feel I was up to doing that! Those tides are strong!! The water was chilly but not as cold as I thought it would be.
why you ask? This is why.....
Somehow the California Monkey Bars weren't as kind to him as the Utah bars are!!
Wading in the water to cool off.
One evening when I asked him what he wanted to do the next day he picked the Conejo Botanic Gardens. We had already gone hiking twice there . This time he wanted to take his lunch up to the top and have a picnic. Jessy and I always do that when she comes out and Kody and I did that last year also. He remembered and really wanted to do it again.
Up at the top of the mountain in the Desert Gardens they have several picnic tables and that is where we stopped. When I took Jessy before we would stop at Taco Bell and have that at the top. Since the Celiac change things are a little more difficult to plan but we managed. Yogurt, pudding, carrots and fruit roll ups did the trick.
And of course Chocolate Cookies (gluten free!) for dessert!!! He loves his chocolate!!
He brought his Ben Ten Alien Force toys up with him and after lunch we played with them.
And played with them..... Two and a half hours we sat up there in the wonderful outdoors and played with these toys.
Are they cute!! You put a "key" in the back and turn it and they come apart and then you can put them back together again. You can split the aliens apart and mix up the pieces to make new and exciting aliens. My favorite is the chubby one in the front! I called him penguin man.
While Kody was playing I took some breaks to play with my toy, the camera.
When I explained to Kody that I though of it as my Toy he understood why I like to use it all the time. He was willing to let me roam around the area next to him and take my pictures. After all you Have to play with your toys!!
Are they cute!! You put a "key" in the back and turn it and they come apart and then you can put them back together again. You can split the aliens apart and mix up the pieces to make new and exciting aliens. My favorite is the chubby one in the front! I called him penguin man.
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