Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Women of Plymouth Circle

On January 29, 2008 I had what I called "An informal Coffee for the Women of Plymouth Circle" It was the first time that the women on the street got together for a social time. We had a great time just talking away. Everyone said they liked doing it and hoped that we could do it again. We have one neighbor that has lived here for 45 years and the shortest is 5 years. The one lady that couldn't make it is the short timer with only about 2 years here. There are a lot of them that have been here around 15 -20 years. Guess everyone knows what a great street we have and they just don't want to move!!

The Whole Gang minus one nieghbor and me of course. We even had a Granddaughter with us!!

The goodie table.

Cinnamon Rolls, Fruit, and even Cookies that two of the Women brought.
Coffee, Tea and Orange Juice

I had a old flyer that was Pat's from when she bought the house back in 1962 so I scanned it and made up a new one for everyone to look at. Quite a difference from what we are paying for these now!!

Oh how I would love to buy a home for $15,000 !! You can't even buy a car for that now.
Of course the wages weren't very much either! Guess it all evens out.

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