Friday, March 02, 2007

A Trip to the Gardens With Beverly

On a very windy Friday morning Grandpa, Bev, Tammy and I had a great hike up the hill at the Conejo Botanic Gardens here in Thousand Oaks (click on the title and you will go to the Garden's web site).
It was wonderful weather except for the cool wind. As you tell by what we are wearing it wasn't all that warm for most of the hike. When we got to the other side of the hill the wind died down and we were much, much warmer. It must have been in the 60's.

Here is the Brother & Sister picture. Bev is the baby in the family being 6 years younger than Grandpa.

Beverly is out from New Hampshire visiting for a couple of weeks. It has been great seeing her again and I'm having lots of fun talking to her! I do hope she plans on coming back out next year. Maybe we will be able to give her hot weather next year! Next week should warm up so maybe she will be able to get warm yet.

Grandpa, Bev and Maggie

We were sitting under the arbor that the passion vine is on. Their's is still green so I guess the freeze didn't kill it. I lost all the leaves on mine. I do think the vine is still good and that the leaves will come back. It just doesn't look as good as it did 2 months ago.

Tammy, Bev & Maggie.

Tammy has been out of work for a couple of weeks (I think) with a sore arm. She has been getting PT for it and will be going back next week so she will be able to see how it feels then. We were glad she was able to join us and help with the names of the plants we were looking at!!

Tammy and Bev walking and talking........

A couple of the plants that were in bloom.

Some of the birds we saw: California Towhee, Yellow Rumped Warbler, Western Bluebird, White-breasted Nuthatch (Tammy spotted) Dark eyed Juno, two Whitetailed Kites chasing two Redtail Hawks out of their area. House Finch, Anna Hummingbird, Bushtits and Crows. That is all I can think of right now. We weren't really doing much birding as we were doing alot more talking than anything else!!

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