Wednesday, October 19, 2005

More pictures from Mesa Trip

Kody on our hike. I forgot to put sunscreen or a hat on him so I gave him my hat to wear. His cheeks were getting a little pink by the time we were halfway there. Isn't he soooo cute?

Remember I said I liked almost everything about the trip? Well, this is a picture of one of the not so good things about Mesa! The two dogs are very sweet and very good dogs but they are very good at one thing that drives me crazy.... being DOGS!! No matter where I went there they were. I would get up from a chair just to go into the other room and they would follow me. I would go outside, they would come outside. I would go inside, they would go inside!!! I would tell them, "Just leave me alone, stop following me!" but would they? No. Oh well, that's one of the reasons I'm not a dog person!!

Two more of Kody. If you click on the one on the left you will see he has put his Buzz Lightyear doll and his Buzz Lightyear cup into "timeout"!! When he acts up he gets a minute in the corner to think about it and he was doing the same for his toys!! He also loves to draw pictures. Most of them look all the same, little circles. Of course to him they are all kinds of things like Mom and Dad and Jessy and houses and dogs and hikes and all kinds of things. Come to think of it my aren't any better!!

The last one is of Jessy on her way home from school on Tuesday. I walked around the corner to wait for her to get out and started taking pictures as soon as I could see her at school. She spotted me and I thought she was going to die of embarrassment!! What are Gramma's for if not to drive the kids crazy! I kept taking pictures of her until she got too close to snap anymore. I thought this one turned out the best. How fast she has grown up!!

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