Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thanksgiving Trip

This year we went down to Steve & Lisa's to try out their newly remodeled kitchen and house. Jim drove down with us and Darcy and Scott, Jessy, Brianna and Kody were all there also. I had all three kids there and I didn't even get pictures of them all together! I can't believe that, darn!!! Here are some of the pictures I did get.
(you can click on all but one picture to enlarge them. I don't know why the one of Steve and Darcy and me at Wild Animal Park won't enlarge. It is just one of those mysteries of life!) Darcy and Scott and Jessy and Kody stopped by on their way into town in their new car!! They made a family vacation of it with Brianna flying in and going to Disneyland and SeaWorld and the Wild Animal Park.
Kody right after his shower with his hair combed like a big boy. He wants to grow it out but Mommy wants to buzz it again. I wonder who will get their way!
Kody and Beardsley in the Anderson's back yard.
Kody with his favorite thumb. While we were walking at the Wild Animal Park he had to change hands with me because I was holding "My thumb sucking hand."
Jim spent most of the weekend working on school work. He stayed home on Friday and did a paper instead of going with us to the WAP. I'm sure he will be glad when he gets that piece of paper and is done!!

Steve the Chef cooking the Stuffed Pork Chops that they fixed for dinner.

Rolling out the pie dough. Lisa made a great apple pie even if she wasn't real happy with how the crust looked. The pie was so good I had to close my eyes to savor it so didn't even notice the "Frankstein" look of the crust!!! (Lisa's word, not mine!) Notice how she has her own little baking area away from the other work areas. The kitchen turned out so great. Different little places for everything.

Darcy mixing the salad up.

Jessy and Brianna doing what they did most of the day, playing video games and talking. They are so grown up now.

Guinness in a rare moment of sitting. He was funny to watch run circles around Mr. Beardsley!! I think he wore Mr. B out just watching him!!! He is getting his adult coat so looks a lot bigger than last time we saw him.

It was a beautiful table.

Lisa even had a place setting for Kody. I just noticed that I took the picture upside down!! What was I thinking?

Everyone but the Photographer Steve. Good Looking group!!

Two of my kids

Kody and his dad feeding the ducks.

It was a great two days! Thank you Steve and Lisa!! Next year will be a little different for them!!!

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