Wednesday, September 05, 2007

John's 40th Birthday!!

On Saturday after we took Shannen to the airport we headed up to Ventura with Jared for John's 40th birthday party. Hard to believe that Paul's second child is 40 years old but those are the facts!

John had wanted to do a birthday trip with everyone joining him but because of work it didn't happen. Somethings just aren't meant to be. Instead Heather and the boys came down with him to Heather's mom's home in Ventura for the weekend. They had the party there. It was great fun and so good to see all of them. It was the first time we had met either of Heather's parents and they were as nice as Heather has been telling us.

John brought down his new longboard surfboard but as of Saturday there had been no waves to ride. I hope there were some on Sunday but I haven't heard. I know nothing about surfboards but it was a beauty. I know there was a great story that went along with the board but I can't remember what it was. Something about who made it or how it was made. Something like that . If you let me know John I will add it to the post. Wish I had got a picture of it but I never thought of it at all!

We got there around 1 pm which was great as it was before the main party started so we had some time with John alone before the rest of the party started to arrive. He had several old friends stop by. We had a great time. I know Jared was very pleased that he was able to be there with his brother. He mentioned afterwards how great John was and how much fun he had.

I really didn't take many pictures and these are the only good ones I did get.

Dad with two of his three sons.
Grandpa and two sons and one grandson! I think Ethan was in the house playing computer games.

Happy Birthday, John and many, many more!!!!

We Love You!

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