Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Weekend Visit

These next few posts will be all out of sequence so bear with me!! I'm going to start with this past weekend and move back from there.

This past weekend was my ex husband's stepdaughter, Chelsea's, wedding. Everyone follow that? Because of that Darcy and kids and Steve and Lisa and Guinness came up to Thousand Oaks to stay for a long weekend. They all stayed with us so we got to do lots of visiting.

Darcy and Jessy and Kody flew in on Thursday morning and Steve and Lisa & Guinness came up on Friday morning. It was busy and crowded and so much fun!! They had lots of things to do with Dennis and his family but we were able to get some great "Q" time in with everyone.
It was great seeing the people but the most fun was seeing my new "Granddog" for the first time. Since getting my own dog I have become much more of a dog person then I was before. Now, I'm not a complete dog person, at least not yet, but I'm getting more so. Now now, Darcy, you remember how much I liked your dogs when they were small little puppies so I never was a dog hater, just not a great fan of them.
This little dog of Steve & Lisa's just stole my heart away and mine wasn't the only heart he stole but more on that later. I had never seen a Black & Tan Pomeranian before. The regular tan color is cute looking and okay but nothing that I would get all worked up about. (Sorry, Ginger! ) One look at Guinness and I changed my mind about Pomeranians!

Guinness weighing in at 3 pounds

For a little dog he has a very large attitude! Maybe this is common for the smaller breeds but he is sure he is the King of the World! He struts around and takes over everything and anything that he wants. Now being that he is only 3 pounds it is cute. If he was 90 pounds you would want to kill him!! He will be able to get away with so much more than Darcy's dogs do!! Well, get away with and still look cute doing it!! They already have him trained to sit, lay down and something else that I can't remember. That is either a very smart dog or they have lots of patience with his training!! I know I didn't do as well with Beardsley!

Now I said someone else fell in love with Guinness, that would have been Beardsley!! One look at it was love at first sight. Well, maybe third or fourth sight but soon. He would follow Guinness around and let him climb all over him. He would let Guinness chew on his ear and only a couple of times did he "back him off'" when Guinness's sharp little baby teeth were hurting him too much!!

Guinness playing king of the mountain

The most tell tale sign of how much he liked the dog was that if I went inside he would stay out with Guinness. I meant nothing to him! Anyone who knows the two of us knows that I am the center of his world on every other day! It was weird being able to move around without my constant shadow!!

" Who us? We are just sitting here playing!!"

It is now Tuesday and Beardsley is still looking in all the rooms for Guinness!! He looks so lonely at times. Of course he is back to following me around but I'm used to that now. Not that it doesn't drive me crazy at times......

You can see the size of the dog compared to Jessy and Kody!!

Here are some more pictures from this weekend. I didn't get any of Steve or Lisa, again!!

Jessy relaxing while playing with the dogs.

Darcy and Kody and Jessy dressed for the wedding.

My two wonderful "girls"!!!!!

Jessy and Kody at the airport with the Grandparents!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Steve and I are so relieved and happy that the two dogs get along. We look forward to coming up more often so that they can have more play dates. Btw, thanks for watching Guinness on Saturday.