Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Wearings are in Utah!!

I just got back from a week in Utah visiting and "helping" Darcy and family. I am so glad I went to see where they are and what is what. It does make me feel better and hopefully I was a little help while I was there. I didn't get many pictures as I only took the small camera and guess what, both the battieries were almost gone. I don't use the camera much and just forgot to recharge them!! Oh well, we will be back in September so will be taking lots and lots of pictures then. Here are some of the ones I did take.

The front of the house with the four of them from a distance and then the four of them closer.

As you can see it is a very pretty house. Scott was talking to the next door neighbor and he said that the house had been pretty much empty for the last 5 years. Some family members had moved in for awhile and then moved out again but not for long each time. They need to do a fair amount of work inside but I think it should be very nice when they are done.
When you walk into the house there are stairs that go up into the main part of the house with the three bedrooms and living room and kitchen and dining room. Then there are stairs that go downstairs into the basement where there is a "family room" that Darcy and Scott are using for thier bedroom and a laundry room and office and of course the ever present, in Utah, food storage closet!! Almost all the homes in Utah seem to have basements unlike here in California where you never find one.

The next picture is of the large backyard with the deck that comes off the dining room which is right next to the kitchen.

Jessy has taken to playing basketball and Kody is using the swing set that was left there. I played one game of "Horse" with her and I even managed to win!! I really think she let me win even though she said she didn't. The first two balls I tried I made into the basket and I started thinking that I must be really good!! Of course I didn't make another one for another 5 minutes!! Oh well, guess I shouldn't be calling up any of the pros just yet!!

This is the view from the house of the neighborhood and then from the middle of the street looking at the Great Salt Lake. The one picture I didn't get is the view of be mountains from their backyard. They are right up against the mountain and it is really beautiful. They have been told that there will be snow up there as early as October and it will stay until April. I will get pictures of it when I go back or maybe Darcy or Jessy can take one and post it for us!

The only picture I took inside was the living room and the dogs! One of the first things you notice about the house is the number of roses that they have planted in the yard! I didn't count them but there must be at least 30 if not more. Jessy, could you go out and count them? They must have been planted 20 years ago from the look of the base of them. They are beautiful. We spent a several hours cutting dead roses off and getting them into a little better shape and in the mean time making several beautiful arrangements of roses for the house. I know they aren't going to keep all the roses but there will still be lots and lots of cut roses for the house!! Here are just a couple of the ones I shot.

Here's to a great life in Utah for all of you!! Many good wishes for Scott, Darcy, Jessy, Brianna and Kody!!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

For the little pictures you took they turned out great! You were a big help and I thank you soooo much. It would have been much worse for the kids a me if you hadn't come! I love you