Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Engagement Portrait

Lisa and I had our engagement picture taken a couple Sundays ago (by Todd of course). It was a kinda scary preview of the wedding day pictures! Lisa's hair kept getting blown into her face and Todd had to keep telling me to "stop squinting", "try looking alive", and "smile!". It wasn't that long of a session, but by the end of it my face was hurting from smiling. Yep, I sure am looking forward to ALL those pictures! ;)

But I like how this picture turned out! So maybe it will be worth it.



The Old Women said...

Let's hope all the wedding photos turn out as well as this one!! You make a great couple!

Darcy said...

Good luck on wedding day and remember to put Vasaline on the teeth, it will help you to smile with showing the teeth (makes them shiney, too!)